Shitshow Macro
Shitshow Macro Podcast
Friday 8.2.24 Weekly Wrapup Podcast

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Friday 8.2.24 Weekly Wrapup Podcast

-On Statecraft and Religion: Splintering Christianity post and podcast were released for premium subscribers on Wed and Thurs, respectively. 


  1. In a massive kick in the gut for me & my fellow GWOT vet brethren, the DOJ decided to cut a plea deal with KSM (9/11 “mastermind”) to avoid the death penalty. 

    1. The Biden/Harris campaign was quick to say the…

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Shitshow Macro
Shitshow Macro Podcast
Shitshow Macro Weekly prep and wrap-up to keep readers informed about global news, markets, money, geopolitics, and general Shitshow happenings.