Our Radically Changing Understanding of the Human Timeline and Experience
How The Telepathy Tapes podcast aligns with many findings that interest us but go largely unreported, leaving many unfamiliar with our rapidly changing understanding of "the human experience."
Money, war, religion, markets, geopolitics, social dynamics, the human condition, and societal implications. As everyone with a platform spends their time hyperfocused on single issues that draw you in, this is my attempt to step back to show the larger picture (and potential implications or concerns).
The ever-changing media cycle seems built to give us the attention spans of fruit flies - but there are issues that we should take the time to focus on and understand.
These are those issues.
Topics covered in this post
Introduction: What does it mean to be human? How old are we as a species? Is there an unseen “tie that binds” us all?
The Metaphysical
The Monroe Institute, The Gateway Program, and the USGOV
The Akashic Field and the Integral Theory of Everything
Cymatics/Music/Vibrations, Place Memory/The Stone Tape Theory, The Hidden Messages in Water, The Power of Intention
The Physical
Homo Naledi and The Cave of Bones
Are Native Americans Really Native to the Americas?
The White Sands Footprints May Break the Bering Strait Theory
The Story of The Deluge (Great Flood) Is Present Across Most Ancient Cultures
Is Genesis Actual History?
The Megaliths of Malta: Potentially Rewriting the Timeline of Humanity
The Sphinx, Erosion, and Leo: Potentially Rewriting the Timeline of Humanity
Introduction: What, Where, How Old Are We, and What Does It Mean to be Human?
As with many of the topics of these Substack posts, something has jumped into the zeitgeist of society or public awareness as a “new thing” that just happens to be one (or a collection of) thing(s) that I’ve been looking into/at for quite some time.
And as with many of the previous topics that we’ve delved into together, while it seems to be one thing on its face and at the most micro level, there is a “common thread” and more macro view of this thing (The Telepathy Tapes podcast) that connects it to many other aspects of “the world as it is” that most are totally unaware of.
So let’s set the “table stakes” before we proceed for anyone who may not get that reference.
The Telepathy Tapes is a podcast that has been gaining a lot of steam and has been mentioned on some significantly large platforms by people who can often drive massive public interest.
At its most high-level, the podcast is a series of episodes that explore this not well known phenomenon in which non-verbal autistic children and adults seem to have a telepathic connection to their parents, with other non-verbal autistic children (across great distances), and sometimes with others outside of those familial or friend groups (especially their teachers).
For those who haven’t listened or who have never looked into these sorts of things, I know, it sounds crazy.
It sounds like hippy-dippy hogwash.
If that were real, certainly it would have been on the news, and studied by all of academia, and I would have known about it.
If that was a thought, or something similar to one, that went through your mind…welcome to the Shitshow, my friend.
That’s how the world should work, but not how it actually works.
Each episode of The Telepathy Tapes involves a parent/child combo who says they have this gift, and the host of the podcast, with a camera crew in tow, recording example after example of tests of different sorts (naming randomly-generated colors, numbers, words, pictures, and others) that are in the parent, siblings’, and even randomly-chosen crew members’ minds.
A podcast is obviously audio, so for the skeptics the host also made a website which has the videos of these tests being performed.
Some of the child/parent exercises show 100% accuracy, others are in the high-90s. A highly-credentialed psychologist who has been studying this phenomenon is present for and designs many of the tests. Real-time brain imaging is brought in for more evidentiary findings.
And yet every time the host asks the credentialed scientists if it’s enough evidence to be accepted by academia or “mainstream” funding & research, they just scoff and chuckle.
“No” is the straight answer. It will never be accepted by our current version of academia or research funding, no matter what tests they come up with or the evidentiary record they try to build.
For those who look into these types of things and know of the long history of anecdotal and other types of evidence that seem to indicate there is much more to the “human experience” and “human condition” than science or the mainstream consensus currently understands, it can be maddening.
One must step back and understand what “The Science™” has become to truly understand why that is.
If you’re familiar with the background of many of the “greats” of our scientific history, you know that many of them would be viewed as raging lunatics by our credentialed “scientific consensus-building establishment” these days.
Everyone from Issac Newton (an alchemist who had high levels of mercury in his hair at his death) to Charles Babbage (who took part in a paranormal research society), Nikola Tesla (believed the air could power the world), Madam Curie (died from the radiation exposure to her life’s work), and Galileo (put under house arrest for his theory of heliocentrism (sun at the center of our galaxy)) would be laughed out of the mainstream scientific world and academia today.
These people asked questions that weren’t being asked, risked things that weren’t being risked, and ventured where others didn’t dare. They sought to quantify the unquantifiable, and answer the unanswerable.
And they changed the world for it, despite the ridicule and sometimes harsh punishment they faced for their work.
Today, science is based purely on materialism. The scientific theory of materialism posits that, “all phenomena, including consciousness and mental states, can be explained entirely by physical processes and interactions of matter.”
In the holding of this theory, anything that can’t be measured or explained through its interactions with direct, observable, physical matter, can’t be “real” or investigated through the scientific method.
Unlike the greats who forged the scientific basis for much of our understanding of the world, chemistry, physics, and other aspects of our reality, they don’t even bother to look if it can’t be explained through this materialistic viewpoint.
Unfortunately that leaves a lot of phenomena that can be observed as happening, that can be replicated by those who seem to have certain “gifts” or training, but science won’t put forth an honest attempt to investigate, and funding isn’t appropriated for any effort to do so - at least not in the public, non-classified domain.
For many of the skeptics, this is the “doom loop.”
Science won’t look at it, so it must not be worth looking at it. If science won’t look at it, academia won’t teach it. If academia won’t teach it, new disciplines and potential scientific approaches to possibly look at it can’t be developed.
And if there’s no funding or mainstream consensus or discipline or studies, the media and large publishers won’t allow it to be brought to the public, so it’s relegated to YouTube channels and podcasts where only we “weirdos” venture.
I am one such weirdo who has spent most of my life feeling as if something were “missing” from our conventional explanation of the world around us, so I’m not one who has been hobbled by that connotation put on the “weirdo” corners of research or investigation.
As we will get into below, even though the popular “weirdo” connotation exists in the public space, the US Government (and others around the world) have spent a lot of time, money, and resources looking into and studying the very things that both society and mainstream academia label as “hippy dippy nonsense.”
To be clear, the receipts below won’t be given via lightly traveled weirdo internet forums - they will come via declassified memos from the CIA, DIA, DoD, DARPA, the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), and others.
But again, this stuff is not covered in the nightly news, so most people still don’t believe that it exists.
Moving away from the metaphysical and into the more physical, we can see another discipline that holds a common thread in people who are trying to find an accurate understanding of the timeline of humanity - and find themselves fighting against mainstream academia and the establishment consensus every step of the way.
There is a current, mainstream consensus within the worlds of archaeology and anthropology in which a thesis for how long humans have been around, where we came from, where and when we traveled, and our level of technological proficiency during different periods of time is about as unmoving as any thesis can be.
The problem for this thesis is that it keeps being disproved all around the world in different ways and in different places.
Holding with their focus on materialism, these consensus-holders refuse to even consider anything that can’t be directly measured, quantified, replicated, or observed as interacting with the physical world.
In their minds, cultures spread around the world who all seem to share eerily similar folklore and ancestral stories are all hocus pocus gobbledegook and old wives’ tales that aren’t worth paying attention to.
That these ancestral tales all share extremely similar themes, and similar timelines, across cultures that weren’t supposed to have any contact or communication with each other, isn’t pertinent or important to pay attention to, in their minds.
That they built giant megaliths that we can’t understand how they built, at a time when they weren’t supposed to have that technical proficiency, and that many of them have similar types of markings and representations, also isn’t pertinent.
That many also share the same sorts of stories of “learned ones” coming to their societies to help them rebuild after a great cataclysm or Deluge is somehow also not important - across cultures that, again, weren’t supposed to have any contact or communication with each other.
Back to the point of materialism, many of these archaeological and anthropological theses were built using the “mainstream” method of dating, which is carbon dating. This method cannot date stones, the materials used for many of these ancient artifacts, but requires some form of biological material that can be dated.
For those of us who understand the world as it is, this presents a problem, as things like skin, wood, fur, moss, proteins, paints, and others that can be carbon dated tend to decompose and become “ashes to ashes and dust to dust” over a long enough period of time.
If one were interested in all of the topics that we will cover below, as I am, one may find an interesting potential thread that ties all of these things - metaphysical, physical, archaeological, anthropological, and historical - together.
Let’s see if you can pick up on that thread as you read.
The Metaphysical
It took me quite a bit of internal back-and-forth to decide which of these meta-topics to put first.
Do we start with the more concrete physical so as not to scare people away with the “hippy dippy” stuff, or do we start with the metaphysical that may provide several “keys” to the currently unexplainable things that we see across the vast expanse of human history and time?
Both are fascinating, and, in my opinion, both help to answer the “Big 3” questions in my mind (what are we, what is the meaning/purpose of life, and what is God).
For those who may have felt a slight tinge of cognitive dissonance or perhaps winced at that last one, a memo that we will cover below concerning The Gateway Project includes a scientifically reasoned, but better than I’ve ever heard (for the way my brain works) definition for God, The Divine, The Creator (in all definitions by nearly all Faiths), or “The Absolute” as it is called in the memo below that actually aligns perfectly with the Biblical and apocryphal explanations, if you can understand what it’s saying.
If you’ve been following all of our Shitshow Macro posts & podcasts for at least the last several months, I really, truly, hope that you read the memo linked below - even if you don’t understand the base physics, quantum mechanics, etc.
It lays them out in a way that a layman can understand, but it’s still a lot.
I bring up our previous posts & podcasts to clue you into this term (The Absolute) and a writing that we discussed in The Splintering of Christianity post and podcast from the On Statecraft and Religion series.
If you read or listened to those, you may remember the concept of “pre-existence” that was taught by the earliest Christian Church Fathers until a synod in 550 AD ordered it to be stricken from teachings and writings.
As we still have some of the pre-synod writings of the early Church Fathers, there is one reference to pre-existence from Synesius of Cyren (who would become the Bishop of Ptolemais) that I can’t get out of my head when I read the explanations of The Absolute from the memo below:
"Father, grant that my soul may merge into the light, and be no more thrust back into the illusion of earth."
Also remember that some of his Hymns, such as number III, contain lines clearly stating his views, and also pleas that he may be so purified that rebirth on earth will no longer be necessary.
Keep that in mind as you read the memo below, and its descriptions of The Absolute.
From that series you may also remember the ancient belief structures and that of the “cosmic egg” which is depicted in numerous ancient artifacts, pictures, paintings, and Faith structures.
The “From Big Bang to Torus” section of the memo makes my brain go into hyperspace…how in the world did those people so long ago know things that we’ve only recently discovered, in terms of the timeline of our modern society?
The last line of the “Quality of Consciousness” section (which follows Big Bang to Torus) also fits in quite nicely with the two paragraphs above:
“When reality ends, its constituent energy simply returns to infinity in The Absolute.”
As I think this section (metaphysical) seeks to answer some of those biggest questions, and provides some potential answers for things that many don’t even dare ask aloud (although we’ve all had them at some point, for some reason), I feel this was the best path to venture down first.
If you’re willing to cast any potential connotations about this type of research or questioning aside, the things that you may learn by going through the links, explanations, and outlines below may change your view of what it means to be a human, and perhaps give new light to some of the parables used by Christ Jesus of Nazareth in His teachings that are espoused in the New Testament for you.
If you have any nagging feeling that this conflicts with your own internal sense of Faith, please be sure to read the memo’s last section that outlines in stark detail how none of these findings conflict with our current, widely-held ideas, beliefs, or definitions of God or The Divine, within any religious structure or definition.
It’s simply a different - and, in my opinion, more precise - way of looking at and understanding The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The Monroe Institute, The Gateway Program, SRI and the USGOV’s Use of “Third Eye Spies”
There aren’t many documents, books, lessons, or learnings that I could say changed my life and evaluation of the human experience much more than this one.
A Ranger buddy shared a link to this document with me over a decade ago, and at the time it was hosted in the CIA’s “reading room,” a section of its website that is used to house de-classified or Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) documents.
Interestingly I went on a search to find it again for this post, and I could not find it in that reading room anymore.
There were plenty of other documents and memos about The Gateway Program, but not this specific memo. The X platform’s AI model (Grok) provided a previous post from a user that had this link, which is where I got it this time.
My Ranger buddy is not the type who is prone to even thinking about this type of stuff, but is a sharp enough cookie to recognize that the physics, quantum mechanics, and biological explanations at the start of the memo that help to set the “foundation” of the things outlined afterwards were solid.
I’ve had a very interesting life path and set of experiences in my life, so by the time I was sent and read this memo, I had enough of an understanding of the many aspects that it ties together to see that there certainly was something to it.
If you are an “expert” who has spent their life specializing in one single aspect of what this memo covers, you may not be able to see the whole picture or understand how things tie together.
Personally, I feel this has been a detriment to our society overall, as our siloed approach to expertise versus the “renaissance man” and multidisciplinary expertise found in the past (“the masters” of art and architecture, the scientists mentioned above, and others) has led to a place where we have “experts” who can’t for the life of them see how things tie together outside of their silo.
Before reading this memo, I would never in a million years have guessed that one single memo would be able to tie together quantum mechanics, theoretical physics, biofeedback, Eastern vs Western mystical practices and ancient belief systems, quantum entanglement, hypnosis, meditation, the expanding universe, human biology, resonance and vibrational frequencies, and the very basis of energy and consciousness into a single, lucid train of thought.
And then I read it. And it sure enough does just that.
So here it is, the memo from a Lt Colonel to his commanders at US Army Intelligence and Security Command (USAINSCOM) explaining The Gateway Experience, how it works, why it works, and how it could be used by the USMIL.
As we will go into further, it ended up being used by the CIA, DIA, NSA, Secret Service, USMIL, FBI, NASA, and a whole host of other alphabet and law enforcement agencies for various reasons and programs.
(the above is just a screenshot of the top of the first page - the full memo is available at the link below)
While this one memo ties a lot of different worlds together (science and religion, physics and meditation, biofeedback and the expanding universe, the vibrations of human consciousness and solid matter), there are elements explained in great detail here that will also carry over into all of the other things that we are going to cover in this post.
So, let’s go over some of the very, very, very high-level aspects of what is outlined in the memo linked above. I highly suggest that you read it rather than just taking this high-level explanation, because there is a lot of detail that will help you understand that I’m not just blowing smoke here.
And again, the things explained therein at the scientific level and basis help to make all of the other topics that we’ll cover in this post make sense through the lens of a potential “tie that binds it/us all.”
To begin with, there is no such thing as a truly “solid” object within our world or reality.
If you know basic chemistry or physics, you already know this. For those who don’t, when one calls an object a “solid” (versus a liquid or gas), based on our reality-based interaction with matter, we assume or mentally are trained to believe that means that the component parts which make up that object are closely and tightly knit down to the smallest levels.
But they aren’t.
The difference between a solid vs liquid or gas is simply that their energy fields and component, subatomic parts are closer together than those of a liquid or gas.
But the nuclei themselves are not “next” to each other with regard to the entire molecules that form them, nor are they “touching” each other as one would expect from the popular understanding of what it means to be a “solid” object.
Every aspect of our world, universe, and reality has its own “vibrational frequency,” equilibrium state, orbital structure, and composition. This will come into play again several times later in this post, especially with the study of Cymatics.
Also importantly, things tend to be of a fractal nature (infinitely repeating patterns or actions) across our known universe, from the most micro (subatomic) to macro (planets orbiting their suns).
The component parts of an atom each have their own frequencies, which is measurable, as do molecules made up of different atoms (a different compositional frequency as a whole than those of its component parts on their own).
The human body, and each of its component parts, likewise have their own vibrations and frequencies.
The memo goes into great detail about the vibrations emitted by the beat of the human heart, and how certain meditative practices (Zen, Kundalini, transcendental) show measurable differences in the “bifurcation echo” that flows through the human aorta and travels up the brainstem.
The earth, the ionosphere, planets, and other elements of the natural world each also have their own frequencies at which they vibrate.
The earth also has an “axial wobble” meaning that it doesn’t rotate perfectly on its axis, which we are often led to believe through artistic renditions of our planet’s rotation in the galaxy/universe.
This is why the greater cycle (26,000-year precession of the equinox) takes so long for our “starting point” of every rotation through our galaxy to get back to the start of a new cycle, even though the earth orbits the sun every 365 days (or so, given the need for leap years).
Energy acts in different ways depending on its medium, interactions, and its state of action or rest. A laser versus a lamp is one example given - both are light, but one is highly concentrated while the other is more diffuse.
Different types of energy give off different waveforms and emit at different frequencies - some are, like the laser versus lamp - focused and intense, while others are more diffuse and weak.
Some energy wave forms are extraordinarily long, wide, and can penetrate/pass through just about any form of matter. Others are intense, thinner, and focused, and can be disrupted if they encounter certain types of matter or mediums.
Again, this was a very, very, extremely high-level and 101 version of what the memo outlines, and only the most elementary scientific basis of the physics behind this stuff, but at least that aspect is integral to not turn your nose up at the next part for the more skeptical among us.
Here’s where we go into the “interesting” parts of this.
The human brain power can be measured in wattage, just like a lightbulb. We can know when that wattage is operating at higher and lower levels, measurably.
Brain activity can also be measured in terms of amplitude, i.e. frequency levels and power. They (the Monroe Institute, whose program this memo was written about) had done/does this type of measurement to track the progress and record their training.
Different types of brain functions emit different wave patterns and frequencies. For example, your brain in its normal, wakeful state is typically in the Beta-wave state, while at rest (sleep) it moves into Theta-state.
Theta waves are the longer, wider, and more expansive frequencies discussed above that can travel great distances, at speed, and not be stopped or impeded by solid matter. Beta is more narrowly focused.
The Monroe Institute figured out a way to harmonize the frequencies of the human body (heart, mind, and consciousness) with those of the surrounding reality-based environment (earth, ionosphere, etc).
Theoretically, the frequencies emitted in this Theta state could travel around the world unimpeded very quickly (7x per second), meaning distance is no object with regards to sending/collecting information or messages.
If certain brains/consciousnesses are tuned to the same frequency, they may act like two separate HAM radios across the world but set to the same exact “channel.” And again, in Theta state the waves at which those communications travel would not be impeded by any form of physical matter.
This is an interesting thing to keep in mind when we remember that ancient cultures put so much focus on harmonizing music, chants, meditation practices (OM), and building megalithic structures with phenomenal acoustical characteristics.
Taking a deeper leap into physics, theoretical physics, quantum mechanics, and consciousness, there is a variable called Planks’s Distance that must be understood, along with its implications regarding dimensions that we can see/can’t see, time-space, and “clicking out” from one (seen, observed) “reality” to another.
To understand this part (again at an extremely, extremely high level), we must understand that the common understanding of “energy” isn’t often accurate.
Energy isn’t just the stuff that turns on your ceiling light. Energy can be sound, light, lasers, kinetic, passive, constrained, or unconstrained (infinite or The Absolute).
Energy can often (but not always) be measured in wave forms as described above, and even viewed on an oscilloscope - but only constrained energy, as “unconstrained” energy would be infinite, absolute, and all-pervasive.
Constrained energy is always moving, never at rest, and measurable.
Unconstrained energy is at rest and is infinite, as there is nowhere for it to “move.” Infinite means there is no more room for it to move - infinity means everything and everywhere that ever was, has been, or will be.
Within that lies the interesting aspect of time - truly unconstrained and infinite energy would also fill the expanse of time, in all directions, forever and from ever.
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed - it simply moves or changes form.
Constrained energy, in any waveform in which it is measured, has an interesting “click out” function when studied.
This is Planck’s Distance, as shown above.
Constrained energy is always “on the move,” yet there is an extremely small period in which that moving energy changes positions and directions within its waveform. Traveling from upwards to downwards or vice versa.
Within this interesting and extremely small distance in which it “changes direction” (Planck’s Distance), it “clicks out” of our reality, or our time-space continuum. Even if only very briefly, it does.
I’ve previously mentioned my Physics professor telling us on Day 1 of class that the entire understanding of and textbooks about Physics as a discipline were being rewritten and had become outdated based on discoveries in Quantum Mechanics (how particles act at the subatomic level).
This is one aspect of that. Superpositioning and the evidence that electrons don’t behave in the way they had been modeled/understood for decades is another.
If you’re tracking what that means, energy in action leaves or “clicks out” of our time-space reality for the briefest of instants along every traverse of its wave, on both the “upside” and “downside.”
So…if human brain function is also measurable in wattage, which means that it is energy, and its energy is also emitting wave patterns that can be somewhat controlled (at least between states such as Beta and Theta, with others in between), does that mean that human consciousness also has the ability to utilize this “click out” function of the time-space continuum and our “reality?”
If so, can it be controlled?
The Gateway Project, Monroe Institute, and this memo all say yes. Other things that we’ll get into below seem to confirm that is accurate as well.
Taking this “clicking out” and passing into other “dimensions” and away from our time-space continuum-based reality, there is the other necessary step of understanding that energy contains within it data and information.
This is represented in the binary 1/0 or yes/no format like a computer. But like a computer, those binary data bits can be used to encode, represent, or deliver massive amounts of information in quite complex ways.
Unbounded, unconstrained, infinite energy, or The Absolute, would be omnipresent (everywhere), and contain all of that information (data) about everything that is or has ever been, as it would have been recorded within the interaction of the omnipresent information within The Absolute.
Likewise, as a sort of bio-prediction modeling, that information would also be able to “see” the future based on everything that has ever been or happened, in every format or formation ever, to know what happens in any result.
If one could be “tuned” to the correct frequency in order to resonate with those of this infinite and omnipresent energy and information, one may also be able to utilize this “click out” phase of Planck’s Distance to access information that resides outside of our normal, everyday “reality” and existence within our space-time continuum.
Leave the science aside and just think about that for a moment.
The ability to “reach out” and see, consume, and retain access to all of the information, events, and data that has ever been, is, and ever will be.
While this lesson has been given through the memo linked above, you may notice that elements of what it outlines will be seen throughout the other topics that we will cover, or may be the “missing link” for others that we will cover.
If this sounds like too much hocus-pocus, hippy dippy, gobbledygook bullshit to you, I strongly suggest that you watch this documentary linked below.
It is about the Stanford Research Institute, the work that they did there based on The Monroe Institute program described in the memo above, and whose work was utilized by every intelligence, many military, and law enforcement agencies within the USGOV:
Here’s the trailer for the documentary Third Eye Spies:
And free a link to the full movie, which apparently was uploaded to YouTube a year ago (it used to be only available for purchase):
For another viewpoint of this program told from a first-person perspective from one of its members, CW5 Joe McMoneagle gave a +3hr interview to Shawn Ryan last year about his work for SRI and the USGOV.
Chief McMoneagle now works at The Monroe Institute:
I understand that was a lot of ground to cover in the beginning, but it sets the stage for everything else that we’re going to cover.
To view an aspect of this from a totally different angle, we will next dive into a set of books that I was given over a decade ago that attempted to explain this phenomenon of “sensitive” people who seem to have access to information that they should not have, and that others do not seem to have access to.
For more receipts, here are the memos regarding The Gateway Project and The Monroe Institute that are still available through the CIA’s reading room directly:
The Gateway Program
Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences Presents The Gateway Program
Analysis and Assessment of the Gateway Process
Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences
M.I.A.S. Bulletin - A Communication from The Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences - The Gateway Program
The Akashic Field and the Integral Theory of Everything
The memo linked and described above is a very compressed explanation of a phenomenon that many have tried to explain over the millenia, in various ways and through different means.
It is so compressed because it is from a US Army Lt Colonel who was tasked with going through The Gateway Project himself and determining its usefulness to the USMIL.
Understanding that his audience would not only be his direct commander and USAINSCOM but also potentially budget holders, politicians, oversight officials, and others, he had to do far more than merely say “this is pretty cool.”
He had to give the “nuts and bolts” to why this thing that seems unbelievable is actually rooted in scientific explanations and our understanding of the world, reality, and human consciousness - if only by the “learned few,” and if only by those who have a wide tapestry of “foundational knowledge” from many disciplines.
I’ve spoken several times about this version of the phenomenon with regard to creatives. Famous authors, musicians, painters, and others have all remarked that when they are in “creation” mode, they often “click out” and at some point “wake up” (consciously) to find that their project is completed without them even remembering doing it.
There are many other names and elements of this same sort of phenomena - prophets, psychics, savants, sensitives, oracles, healers, and others. Simply put, the long timeline of humanity has always had people who seemed to be able to reach out and “grasp” some hidden source of information that others could not.
In many cases, as with the discoveries in The Telepathy Tapes that many non-verbal autistic kids can understand/write in languages they were never taught, these “sensitives” seem to have access to information that there is no logical explanation for them having.
For a far less compressed attempt to explain this phenomena, again through a scientific basis but not constrained to a 30-page memo, is a pair of books describing what is called here The Akashic Field and The Akashic Experience.
Rather than trying to explain in great detail “why” it is, Laszlo through his books above puts the focus on “what” it is and merely quantifies that the phenomenon is real, is all around us, and has been happening (and has been described in various cultures) for most of humanity.
Rather than providing only theoretical physics and trying to explain the time-space continuum of our reality within a very condensed space limitation (of the memo described in the section above), Laszlo focuses on more of a “bridging the gap” between modern breakthroughs in physics and what seemed to be ancient common knowledge to help people understand that there seems to be something missing in our current understanding of what reality is.
In the second book (Experience), he focuses on people who say they have had these experiences firsthand, in various ways and through various methods.
One of the key elements of scientific rigor is the ability for external, non-participants to “see” and potentially replicate the same outcomes as the original. “Out of the box” thinking challenges us to approach problems from non-standard views and attempts at solving or understanding.
Unfortunately for many, for every person who seems to have an unexplainable gift to access information that they should not have organically within their own minds, there are a thousand “grifter” psychics or mind readers that make it all seem like hogwash to the average “normie.”
Just hearing one person tell an unbelievable story of something unexplainable happening isn’t typically enough to convince someone unless we have a pre-built level of inherent trust for what that person says.
Experience includes a collection of these anecdotal occurrences, from across the spectrum of Faiths, backgrounds, credentials, and others that certainly makes it worth the read.
And like The Telepathy Tapes, the USAINSCOM memo, Third Eye Spies, Jimmy Carter blowing the program wide open by mentioning one of its successes during a press conference, and the basis of Faith structures from East to West and across the expanse of human existence, The Akashic Field seems to be something that has always been there, has always been known but not quite understood, yet has fallen by the wayside for most of the public in our current materialistic, secular culture of “me-ism.”
Cymatics/Music/Vibrations, Place Memory/The Stone Tape Theory, The Hidden Messages in Water, The Power of Intention
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
-Nikola Tesla
We’ve gone through a lot of advanced understanding of the world around us, so now it’s time for a really cool “show and tell” application for some of these things.
I first learned of Cymatics through a friend who had learned of it and set up really cool experiments to do with his kids. I’ve been a lifelong avid fan of music, and not just in the “I like to listen to music” way. Certain music “speaks” to me on a level that I cannot explain.
Some of it I can feel down to my bones, and it’s always been like that for me. I was the guy who listened to music while he studied (classical and beat-driven techno), and listening to chaotic music (drum and bass, trap house, dubstep, etc) actually helps me focus and concentrate on certain types of thought exercises.
I’m sure we’ve all heard music that was so beautiful that it brought a bit of water to our eyes, and certain tones that a special few singers can hit that reverberate down into our souls.
This one makes me misty every time I hear it. It’s beautifully done, sure, but something about the intonation and the way it’s performed just strikes me and makes me stop whatever I’m doing, no matter how many times I’ve heard it:
As we’re about to get into in this subsection and the next, it may be about more than just the musical notes. It may be the tones/vibrations themselves that attract, attune, and can change our very life outlook and emotional state with certain music.
From the Google definition, “Cymatics is the study of the visible effects of sound and vibration. The term comes from the Ancient Greek word kŷma, which means "wave"
That sounds pretty dry, so let’s give a better explanation of how Cymatics are represented through experiments.
In these experiments, one typically takes some sort of flat surface that is a good conductor and places it over some sort of sound emitter. I’ve seen this done with tone generators (as in the video below) or very high-end speakers complete with subwoofers to emit every tone and frequency, high and low.
Upon the flat surface is placed some sort of membrane. Some use sand or a similar substance. I’ve seen some that used different shades of colored sand to truly capture how breathtaking this stuff can be. Others, as in the second video below, utilize various mediums, sounds, and even states of matter to show just how cool this is.
What is found through Cymatics experiments is that different tones and frequencies bring vastly different results.
One would expect that the sand would simply be scattered, tossed around, and jumbled all over the place.
But that’s not what happens, at all.
Different tones and frequencies - or vibrations - cause the chosen medium to form geometric patterns.
As the tones range higher in frequency, the patterns become more and more complex. They are almost immediately formed, as if there is some form of hidden intelligence or combinator mechanism within the sand, water, or other medium.
Again, I know it sounds crazy. So let’s go through some receipts to show that I’m not blowing smoke:
Basic Cymatics tone generator experiment:
I really hope you took a few minutes to watch the video. This seems like science fiction, but it is the reality of the world around us that most of us just don’t know anything about.
In context with the first section of this post, it is another way to show the great influence that different frequencies and vibrations have upon physical matter.
And that is just the beginning. We will get into more experiments that show how sound, frequencies, vibrations, and even thoughts may have more influence on us and the world around us than we have been led to believe.
Before we get there, here’s a second Cymatics video that takes the first experiment up several notches.
This is a proper music video where the band decided to show the power of different frequencies on the world around us through a range of media (sand, water, fire, oil, and electricity).
Watch through the end and they show the tones and various media one-by-one:
Music video showing the effects of Cymatics on various media (water, sand, electricity, oil, fire)
Pretty cool, huh?
If these Cymatics demonstrations interest you, there are hundreds of videos of them across the old interwebs.
They are all cool, and at least for me the first time that I saw one, they seem to defy logical reality.
The sand and fire and water and electricity should just bounce all over the place.
But it doesn’t. Resonating at certain frequencies can make beautiful and well-orchestrated geometric patterns.
Resonating at low frequencies seems to be chaotic and less well-organized, and certainly not as beautiful as the higher frequencies.
Does that have any relation to us as humans?
Well, our bodies are 60% water, and 40% “other stuff” (meat and bones).
The planet, likewise, is roughly 70% water.
A study just found that there may be exponentially more water deep under the earth’s crust than there is in every ocean, lake, and river that is up here with us on the surface.
Could different frequencies, vibrations, and intentions (thoughts) have an effect on water?
Let’s dive into that.
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