Shitshow Macro
Shitshow Macro Podcast
Shitshow Macro Pod 2: Disequilibrium and The Global Coup

Shitshow Macro Pod 2: Disequilibrium and The Global Coup

When the game you think you’re playing isn’t the one being played

Socratic questions to be asked/discussed in this post (links mentioned in the show provided below):

  • If the global government response to COVID, lockdowns, and shots were abject failures by all metrics, why was nobody fired or truly held accountable?

  • Why didn’t we follow Sweden’s lead, whose data proved that lockdowns and school closures did not have the (stated) intended effects?

  • Why would Western governments choose to harm our kids’ well-being over draconian measures that proved worthless?

  • If the global government response to COVID was merely a test, what was being tested?

  • What were the results of said test?

  • If progressive politicians, documentary filmmakers, and pundits had been screaming about our insecure elections from 2000 (Bush v Gore) through 2019 (Trump 2016), why and how did we suddenly have the “most secure elections in history” despite no actual safety changes to the election mechanisms or infrastructure?

  • Is the claim that mail-in ballots suddenly made elections safer, despite multiple studies from across the globe (including one from former President Jimmy Carter) proving that mail-in ballots are rife with fraud? 

  • If Ukraine has long been known to be one of (if not the) most corrupt nations on the planet, why would global governments shovel so much money to them with zero oversight - even fighting their own populaces against oversight of the spending?

  • The same question can be asked for Ukraine’s Bandera (WWII leader) Nazi problem that was well-known and open-source pre-Russian invasion but immediately became censorship-worthy information once tanks crossed the border. 

  • Whatever happened to the Operation Paperclip Nazis and Russian Trotskyites and Bolsheviks that we brought to the US post-WWII and during the Cold War? Where did they go? Who were their underlings, and where are they now?

  • If the US controls much of the global money supply and its systems and has enacted sanctions that worked against many nations in the past - why did the Russia sanctions not only fail but have the opposite effect (of making their economy stronger)?

  • If the Green Agenda and Paris Climate Accords are really to fight climate change, why do the world’s highest emitters - China & India - not face any scrutiny from the climate change crowd?

  • Why do great periods of Helter Skelter-like inorganic social strife (BLM, Hamas) and global virus pandemic (Ebola, SARS, Avian Flu) only seem to precede US presidential elections?

  • Is a 4-year appearance cycle for those occurrences organic & natural?

  • If the border has been a Top 3 concern for voters since the 1980s and a platform issue for the GOP for just as long, why has the US establishment not only refused to close it, but even fought Trump when he tried to make good on their promises?

  • If the eugenicists and population control crazies really wanted to massively reduce the global population, would that be easier to accomplish if the people were dispersed around the globe,  or concentrated in a few places?

Mike Green and Grant Williams interview on The End Game Podcast

Mike Green’s Twitter (X) with the Vissini avatar

The “Battle of Whits” clip

The Eternal War by EM Burlingame

Elon Musk Interview

James Lindsay Sovereign Nation’s Talks

ANTIFA awarded payouts due to “mass arrests” and “excessive force” for DC riots

Vice on the “turf war” between The Proud Boys and ANTIFA

Berkley ANTIFA bike lock attacker let off with probation

ABC’s piece on “hard left ANTIFA and their call to arms”

Vice piece on “The Black Bloc: Inside America’s Hard Left

Proud Boys wearing protective armor during pre-J6 clashes with ANTIFA

Erik Prince phone interview outlining DOJ strongarming NYPD to keep Weiner Laptop hidden

The Fall of Minneapolis documentary

May 29, 2020 BLM and ANTIFA-led insurrection at the White House

How to Steal an Election video

If I Was the Deep State video by Dilley Meme Team

2020 Election cases spreadsheet (73% win rate on the merits)

The Unbelievable COVID Timeline short clip

The full interview (of the above clip)

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